galletto v54 is developed with high-speed USB2 technology make it become the fastest
and most secure product on the market, it is easy to install and use by anyone.
No1. Ensure your hard disk is formatted by
NTFWS, not by FAT32. It is better to refresh your hard disk;
No2.Change your computer time to
2013.01.01first, then copy the software from CD to your computer desktop.
Remove the old FGTECH software if you already install old software in the
No3.Computer requirement: Intel
No4. DO NOT install any anti-virus
No5. Computer system: Windows XP 32-bit
Q: What is fgtech
galletto 2 v53 computer requirement?
A: Firstly, make sure the hard disk is
NTFS format, FAT32 can’t be used.
Every drive letter should be NTFS, delete
all Hard Disk Partition and the Repartition, use NTFS to format.
1. Set the computer date to 1/1/2013 .
2. Computer requirement: Intel Core = 2000Hz
– RAM = 2,0GB
3. Delete all previously installed fgtech
4. Disable or uninstall anti-virus
Q: fgtech galletto
2-master v53 could work before, but it can’t work now, why?
A: Please set the computer date to January
1, 2013. Then use “FG FIX tool” to fix, after fixed, eobd2.exe can be opened.
Have no idea on how to fix? Please refer to the first question and answer.
Q: The software your
engineer installed for me can’t be opened; I click the icon on the desktop and
no response, what’s the matter?
A: the software we installed has been
tested successfully and can work on our engineer computer. After receiving the
installed software, please set your computer system date to January 1, 2013,
and then use “FG FIX tool” to fix, after fixed, eobd2.exe can be opened.
Q: I got one FGTECH
galletto v54 (Item No.SE61-E) and followed your instruction, I run
fgtech Fix tool, but got an error as the following picture shows.
A: There are three aspects you need to
follow. First, set your computer system date to 1/1/2013 .
Second, back to watch our video tutorial on how to run “FG fix tool”. Third,
better use windows XP professional.