
China FGTech Galletto 2-Master EOBD2 technical FAQ

Q (A):
For those who work with clone
 FGTECH galletto v54 hw, you need a minimum of support for licence, fix, updates so be careful..one error in voltage or pin and your clone is out for work, need fix, you think Chinese will get it for you?
Q (B):
Saturday I make 308 1.6 hdi with
FGTECH galletto v54 can edc16 read/write true
not even loose injection code

A:Hello if you wrong connection or wrong voltage damage interface also the original!!for license Chinese software use key USB..
Firmware is 48 100%
Example I have read and write ECU edc17 a5 for test …100% are ok
for read write this ECU is request firmware up 46
Q: you read FGTECH galletto v54 by OBD or boot mode?
A: boot mode tricore
Q: if wrong connection or voltage you need fix from dealer, for license Chinese say you it work 1/2/5/10 years? Updates ok? Full work ? No ECU damage? …..? …? (I think you can’t say that after one month utilisation..)
if yes, it’s the paradise I! but at 250 euros i can considere it’s a good action but they know what they buy .. no plaint !
A: if you know what you are doing no harm !!!perfect clone chinese
One mistake and adapters BDM small fix in FTDI and e ‘as the original 100%
I also connected 12v reverse volunteered to see what is burning!
only one component 8 feet just replace it with a new one and it works again
not ‘need a new pcb …
Q: In which case who supplied it? and photo, silver box & white dongle china 99% same maker – Fails to load eobd after short time, cant see how any one reads with FGTech,1stly software flaky & sh1te, 2nd problem even if works – How long before doesnt crash
A:This happens when user starts to play with other software or with the date.
But there ‘no problem just rewrite FTDI and is working again
Synchronization is the key USB .. When user play with data and other software write byte in ftdi and lost syncro..
 FGTech is not ‘never happened, but will take it back if it happens in an instant
I only the best…. not cheat there’s nothing in it are not a seller I just call it like it is
and many hurt…I’ve never offended anyone unlike others towards me.
But do not talk…..Only facts….. I am available to any technical comparison..

