
Benz key programmer AK500+ user manual addtion

Benz key programmer AK500+
There have some customers of AK500 plus do not know the AK500+ user manual clearly, and here I will add more some details on AK500+ usage.
Where is the user manual?
If you installed the AK500+ software well,  it will generate the user video and user manual on the installation content of Disk C.
The AK500+ color cable instruction
You may find the color cable in the package, from the little cable with yellow mark, it is the cable1, next is the cable 2, and so on. If you still do not understand, you can refer to the following pic.
The steps of connect the color cable when programming key or ESI
Find the right main board user manual
click the user manual, you will find many different main board, find the right one. The same as the board you want to connect, such as this one is your board, check the user manual, find the main board which has the same number and weld point.
About connection. When you find the user manual, you will see there are many numbers on the manual, how to connect the cable with the main board. Give the following photo as the example:
Check the photo, make sure the number and weld point are the same as your board, especially for weld point. On the up, we mention the little color cable, then weld the little color cable with the same place which mark the same number as the cable. Such as cable 1 weld the place which mark number 1, cable 7 weld the point which mark number 7. If you do not know how to weld, you can go to your local repair office to check.

