
AK500+ benz key programmer user manual (4)write Infrared keys

How to use AK500 Plus benz key programmer to write Infrared keys?
From “NEC adapter clip seat”: (able to read and write NEC chip, and refresh and clear the NEC)
1. Desolder the NEC of Infrared keys, put it back to “NEC adapter clip seat” of AK500. Use “Fast Renew” of “Socket” to refesh and clear “NEC” (Before step “Fast Renew”, use “Read” function first to read NEC data, make sure NEC and the clip seat are contacted in good condition)
2. After you finish refresh and clear function, use “Write” function. At this moment, software will prompt AK500 to use “COM” port (photo 7)
3. Choose “COM2”, then use “Load, BIN” to open the key data which needs to write, use “Programming” to write new keys. (Photo 
From Infrared interface to read and write Key (Can read and write Key, cannot refresh and clear NEC)
1. Choose “Via IR” to enter. Which has the same process as “Socket” function (photo 9)

AK500+ Benz key programmer user manual (3)Deal with ESL/ESM

How to use AK500+ AK500 Plus key programmer to deal with ESL/ESM?
Use “Read ESL/ESM” function, read EEPROM of ESL (E or C series car model should use ESL connection cable) or ESM (W220, 93C56). Use function “process” to deal with this data, then you will get the new generated ESL or ESM data. Use ESL connection cable or EEPROM programmer rewrite the new generated data to original ESL or ESM (When write “NEW ESL”, it needs connect AK500 HDD, because it needs the data bank of file “AK500-BASE” of HDD(photo 5)

Step 3: Deal with ECU:
1. AK500 only support general plug-in EEPROM, do not support plug-in flash (29F400 or 29F800 needs to prepare for another programmer).
2. Use function “Read ECU” to read EEPROM (Save it to BIN format) or “Load file” of ECU, usually it is 95P08/95080/24C02/24C04 and so on.
3. Use function “Process”, then software will search automatically, it will display the VIN, type and part number of EEPROM.

