The way use AK500+
with SKC to make new Mercedes Benz key and old
Mercedes Benz key is not the same.
1.The steps to make new Mercedes Benz key with AK500+
with SKC:
-Remove EIS
-Desolder CPU 1 from EIS
-Read data from EIS – CPU 1
-Close AK500+
-Open SKC Calculator
-Download the bin file
-Select keys for calculating result
-Calculate keys (About 7-10 minutes)
-Close SKC Calculator
-Open AK500+ again
-Click Step 4 to write the key option via IR
-Insert the key
-Load key dump file
-Click on programming
-Desolder CPU 1 from EIS
-Read data from EIS – CPU 1
-Close AK500+
-Open SKC Calculator
-Download the bin file
-Select keys for calculating result
-Calculate keys (About 7-10 minutes)
-Close SKC Calculator
-Open AK500+ again
-Click Step 4 to write the key option via IR
-Insert the key
-Load key dump file
-Click on programming
2.The steps to make old Mercedes Benz key with AK500+
Pro with SKC:
1). Remove the NEC chip from the old key
2) Put the removed NEC chip on the NEC
adapter of the AK500+ pro
3) Ensure the chip direction is correct,
and clean up the tin on the chip angle
4) Open the software and choose “Renew”
5) Write into the NEC chip with the key
data generated by SKC Calculator, the key is that your car will use.