
Atmega64 to update old 5.5 4.5 Xprog to 5.4.5 test working

Both engineer and customers tested Atmega64 to update old XPROG-M Programmer V5.5, V5.0  to V5.4.5 is really working, and suggest you have a try.
Please learn more from the following questions and Answers.
Q: Is there any extra coverage on reading diff MCU n eeproms ??
A: 5.4.5 support much more mcu than 5.0, please refer to the following picture.

Auth-0023-1 MAC7xxx Authorized 5/9/2013
Auth-0023-2 XC2300 Authorized 5/9/2013
Auth-0024-1 MC9S12Cxx Authorized 5/9/2013
Auth-0024-2 MC9S12XE Authorized 5/9/2013
Auth-0024-3 MC9S12XE Security Authorized 5/9/2013
Auth-0024-4 MC9S12HA/HY/P Authorized 5/9/2013
Q: If they send ATmega + soft?
A: It packed with chip and software, it sell whole box, not upgrade kit for the old xprog.
Q: How to install XPROG-M Programmer V5.5?
A: 1. Solder new Atmega64 MCU to your xprog. Overwrite all files and folders from Xprog_Preinstalled,to your native Xprog install. Usualy c:\Program Files\ELDB\Xprog or c:\Program Files(X86)\ELDB\Xprog.
2. You can now start and Run Xprog. If you want to use this version on brand new PC, please install Xprog 5.0 and Adobe acrobat reader prior to files copy.

