
No vehicle communication signal light in VDM UCANDAS?

How to set VDM UCANDAS WIFI correctly? If you are no vehicle communication signal light in the device, it might be something wrong with wifi setting. Here are tips and steps for VDM WIFI setting.
WIFI setting steps:
1.          having VDM connected with cars
2.          running ucandas.exe software after waiting for 10 seconds
3.          reading system information of VDM
4.          WIFI is ready for connecting finally (see picture)

UCANDAS WIFI setting tip: no specified IP address when use WIFI connection
Why? Because when you specify IP address when use WIFI, wifi will fail to communication, and that is to say, specifying IP address will lead to wifi communication failure.
In order to set WIFI well for VDM UCANDAS Please focus on wifi setting steps and no specifying IP address when use wifi communication.
VDM UCANDAS is a Wireless Automotive Diagnosis System, it is only for car diagnosis, with multi-lanauge available now.Do not include CD,download software directly from official website.

The updating website: www.ucandas.com
is under construction, please notice our website updating information.

And now the market has some cheap copy VDM UCANDAS,here we will show you how to distinguish our original ones from their copy ucandas:

The connect type is different,please check this connector when you buy it.

