
What’s aberration amid the two able tool? by Diagkey.com

Hello, I am a debris owner, I am analytic a acceptable breadth alteration accoutrement for my Inc, I ambition to use on abounding car models in altered years. But afterwards searching on your website, I accept some questions: 1) We acquisition that you accept abounding breadth alteration tools. Which one is best? —Yes, we accept abounding affectionate of breadth alteration tool, like: digiprog 3, tacho pro and digimaster3. The best breadth alteration apparatus is digimaster3, aboriginal and can plan on about any cars. 2) I searched on your website and begin that there are two affectionate of digimaster 3, what’s the difference? —-Yes, we accept two affectionate of digimaster3 One: Digimaster 3 with 1180 Tokens( SP78-B), the added is : Accustomed Digimaster 3( SP78) Same: the two items are the aforementioned in function, they both can plan on a lot of cars. Difference: Digimaster 3 with 1180 Tokens, plan on car by application the tokens, that agency every time you plan on car, it will absorb some tokens, and if the 1180 tokens is up, you allegation to buy the tokens in acclimation to alive as usual. But the added affectionate of digimaster 3 plan on a lot of cars afterwards arresting any tokens, that agency you can use it afterwards time limitation. 3) But now I acquisition that your digimaster 3 is aswell with 200 tokens as gift, why allegation token? —-Yes, as we say the digimaste3 can plan on car afterwards time limitation and token, but if you ambition to do some newer cars, like: 2013 cars, or some affluence car, you will allegation tokens. Now we are on promotion, you can get 200 tokens as gift( Afore we don’t accept the badge for you) . In a word, digimaster 3 with 200 tokens can alive on ordinary, luxury, and newest cars. FAQ about digiprog 3 Q: What is the accent of Digiprog 3 awning menu? English or German? How to change the language? A: Digiprog III DVD is in German, but the operation is accessible with both English and German, afterwards you about-face on Digiprog 3, bang “language” option, and afresh set English. Q: Can digiprog 3 digiprog iii abutment change breadth for BMW afterwards 2008year? Does Digiprog3 accomplish key for BMW? A: bigger use Digimaster 3 to affairs breadth for the high-end BMW. Digiprog3 can’t accomplish key for BMW, admonition you using AK300 key pro. digiprog 3 Q: if Digiprog III got dejected awning error? A: There are three affidavit may get dejected awning error. First, bethink the digiprog can’t update, if there are new adaptation released, acquaintance us, we can amend your annual by email or CD. Second, ambiguous adeptness if accessible the device; Third, the blow on the way to you. digiprog 3 Q: what is Digiprog III power-on password? A: Digiprog 3 Power-on countersign is 1. Q: how to do if accepting dejected awning error? A: Contacting the chump first. If you acceptable at alive chips, we can forward two chips advisedly for you to break the problem. If you don’t apperceive how to work, maybe you allegation to acknowledgment it aback for repairing. Q: If I use digiprog 3, I got ataxia code, what can I do? Amuse analysis the afterward picture. A: Amuse forward us Digiprog III consecutive number, and we will forward you affairs to admonition brace digiprog 3 capital unit.

