
Digiprog 3 FULL FAQ

Q: Does digiprog 3 change breadth for BMW afterwards 2008year? Does Digiprog3 accomplish key for BMW? A: bigger use Digimaster 3 to affairs breadth for the high-end BMW. Digiprog3 can’t accomplish key for BMW, admonition you use AK300 key pro.Digimaster III Q: Does digiprog3 plan with VW golf 6 2009, golf 5 2006 and Peugeot 407 2006? A: Yes. Digiprog 3 does. Amuse accredit to digiprog3 car annual at: www.cardiag.co.uk Q: If I affix Digiprog3 with computer, I got absurdity “DiagProg3.Setup GetByte_USB-TimeOut”. A: Alone if you ambition to amend Digiprog3, you can affix Digiprog3 with computer. At added times, don’t affix Digiprog3 with computer. Digimaster III Q: I download eeprom from digiprog3 v4.82 and abundance it in the computer, it fails to affix the software and the USB disciplinarian is auspiciously installed, but diprog3.exe begin no hardware, it needs to abundance eeprom file, but the anamnesis is full. A: Sorry, digiprog v4.82 needs no affix with the computer, unless it needs to update. Q: You say Digiprog3 can’t affix with the computer, afresh what is the “setup.exe” acclimated for? Area is the USB cable to be connected? How to accumulation power? Afterwards bung the OBD cable into the car, Digiprog 3 suggests admit No.1 cable, do I accept to abolish dashboard? A: 1) Do not install the CD-ROM software “setup.exe”. 2) If you ambition to amend digiprog3, affix the USB cable to the computer. 3) It doesn’t allegation adeptness bond if the digiprog3 is anon affiliated to the car, the car will accumulation adeptness for digiprog3.digiprog 3 4) Afterwards you bung the OBD cable (16pin cable), digiprog3 suggests you admit NO.1 cable, it agency you accept to use ST01 cable, not OBD cable. Q: Does digiprog 3(SM33-Z) allegation adeptness cord? A: If you anon bung OBD cable into the car to change mileage, it doesn’t allegation adeptness cord, the car will accumulation the power; if you change breadth for the car by removing dashboard or chip, it will allegation adeptness cord. Q: I begin Digiprog 3 adeptness accumulation is not 220V, does it matter? A: Generally speaking, Chinese adeptness ascribe 110-220V, digiprog 3 adeptness ascribe 110-220V and adeptness achievement 12V. Q: How to baddest the accent what I want. A: Digiprog 3 DVD is German, but the operation is accessible with both English and German, afterwards you about-face on Digiprog 3, bang “language” advantage to set. Q: If use digiprog 3, I got ataxia code, what can I do? A: Amuse forward us digiprog 3 consecutive number, and we will forward you affairs to brace digiprog 3 capital unit. Q: With digiprog 3, how to catechumen KM to miles? A: Our odometer programmers change the breadth amount in KM, if your car breadth amount is in afar assemblage and it becomes into KM assemblage afterwards programmed, go to displace aback in afar assemblage in the dashboard menu. Q: what is Digiprog III power-on password? A: Digiprog 3 Power-on countersign is 1. Afterwards access countersign “1″

