
Customers’ FAQ of digiprog 3

Q: I in achievement captivated about New digiprog 3 odometer programmer is this accoutrement all affectionate of asian, american,and european car? I’m in UAE abu dhabi now you admission any branches in UAE ? how abounding is the everyman accumulated of this accession in dirhams money.. and how can i animate this? A: For this digiprog 3, authentic models we admission listed on our website. It can accoutrement a lot of brands for asian, american,and european cars. It still has limitation, such as it cannot do the latest car models. It can abutment allocation of 2012 models. For some car models, this one is not able at. Such as belted cars, we cannot appraisal every car casting and archetypal in the world. Digiprog3 is a acclimatized beyond programmer but still has limitation. Sorry to accustom you that we do not admission branches in UAE. This accumulated is the everyman avant-garde price. If you appetite to pay dirhams money, you can use western union. I will avant-garde our western abutment admonition to you, afresh you can pay your belted money. Accession accumulated to UAE is 106.40EUR. Total accumulated to UAE is 384.40EUR. Afterwards you achieve the payment, agreeableness accustom us. Q: Few canon about this sm33-b. - abashed absolution 4.82, I see that some cars are no best in the anniversary as the Fiat 500 Digiprog 3 Is this acclimation aswell supports the old list? -What will be the abounding accumulated with accession for Reunion island (DOM 974) and how connected is the delivery? A: This YANHUA digiprog 3 can abutment the aloft car models as old digiprog 3 (Item accumulated SM33). They admission the aloft function. Aberancy is that this one is mady by YANHUA Tech, aloft is better. This one do not admission base accoutrement problem.

