
Price is 278EUR, everyman price. Accession accumulated to Reunion

Please leave your fizz accumulated if you abode the order. Afresh we will avant-garde email to you to assert the accession information. We will appraisal it afore we avant-garde it to you, about 2 days. afresh we will avant-garde it to you by DHL, it usually needs 3-5 days. Q: I admission Digiprog 3 sm33 digiprog 3.If that, anxiety us now to adapt sm33-B Digiprog3 V4.82 chargeless of charge? A: Digiprog 3 has acclimatized to V4.82 acclimation for a connected time. If your digiprog 3 SM33 is not the acclimation 4.82, you can avant-garde it abashed to us and we can chargeless adapt it for you. If your acclimation is V4.82, they you do Digiprog 3 not accusation to adapt again. Already the newest acclimation comes out, we will absolution it on our website. Q: 1, digiprog3 has 8 languages, if i use it and admission the german language, the able interface is german language, even the result? 2, this one has any aberancy with the old digiprog 3(sm33)? A: 1) Yes. The able interface is german language. 2) The artist is different. This one is bogus by YANHUA company. I admission abode this admonition in the description. This one admission the aloft activity as the old one. But this one is added steady.

