
CK-100 and V99.99 SBB FAQ

Following are CK-100 and SBB FAQ:
FAQ for Item#SK117 Ck100:
Q: Can it do Toyota eteos 08 key program function?
A: No, it is not on the list.
Q: Does CK-100 has tokens limitation? After use up, cannot start, how to do?
A: It has 1024 tokens, the factory said you can buy a small repair board it will be ok.
Q: Can CK-100 do Toyota chip G?
A: NO, it cannot do chip G.
Q: Can it do all the vehicles on the supported list?
A: No, this is copy version, cannot do all the vehicles on the list.
FAQ for Item#SK117-B Ck100:
Q: Can it do some old vehicles? Such as ford from 2002?
A: For old vehicles, we recommend you to buy T300.
Q: Does it have interface which connects obd and designed for Infiniti I30 from year 1999?
A: CK-100 only has the obd2 interface, other special interfaces are not supported.
For vehicles supported, they should be compatible with standard obd2 protocol.
Q: Is the CK100 (item number: SK117-B) the newer version of what I have: SW 55.01.136ase/DB 42.08/Update 10/2013
A: the version is update by our factory .
Now the newest version is v45.06.
Q: Does our newest V99.99.CK-100 support Toyta G key?
A: It depends on the vehicles and the immo system
Q: Can it do Corolla 2011 camery 2012?
A: You can use allscanner it 3 to do the keys.


