
AdBlue for dummies What has AdBlue got to do with

plywood, smoking, pretzels, hair remover and explosives? And, added importantly, what should you do and not do with Adblue Emulator?
Words: Toby Clark A lot of operators acquire that ever-tighter emissions controls are to be expected, but if SCRequipped engines were aboriginal mooted for Euro-4, abounding recoiled from accepting to add an added accessible —Adblue Emulator — to their trucks. Some manufacturers promised AdBlue-free operation with EGR, but as Euro-6 looms, even they are accepting to amalgamate EGR with SCR. Application AdBlue now seems unavoidable. So what is AdBlue, what should you do with it, and, a lot of importantly, what shouldn't you do with it?
A few drivers acquire fabricated axiological mistakes if administration AdBlue: one rental abutting said that they had accomplished barter putting hydraulic aqueous or screenwash in the AdBlue tank, although bloom the arrangement out had prevented any austere damage. A brace of US operators were beneath lucky: one academy bus disciplinarian added Adblue Emulator to the agent tank, accident a Cummins engine at a amount of $26,000, while a Ford analeptic barter buyer did the aforementioned — costing added than $23,000.

Innocuous accepting AdBlue is in actuality adequately banal stuff: it isn't decidedly acerb or alkaline, nor decidedly toxic. Cummins says it is a "non-toxic, non-polluting, nonhazardous and non-flammable solution". And as one website put it: "The bigger accident airish by a discharge is that the attic will be slippery."
Prolonged acquaintance ability be acid to skin, and if larboard to degrade, it can accord off ammonia vapour. But in accustomed temperatures (from -10C to +30C) it should acquire a advantageous shelf activity of at atomic a year. It can bite some metals, so it is about stored in artificial containers such as 1,000litre TBCs.

